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UMM @ Hyvee Friday, Sep 13 @ 7:00 AM
Wesley Women in Faith RUMMAGE SALE Friday, Sep 13 @ 8:00 AM
Church office closes at noon on Fridays Friday, Sep 13 @ 12:00 PM
Wesley Women in Faith RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, Sep 14 @ 8:00 AM


Ministry Assessment and Planning Process

The MAPP is our Ministry Assessment and Planning Process. It is the process our church has used to set our mission, vision, and top ministry priorities. This has been a dynamic process. As our priorities have been addressed, they have been modified or replaced by new priorities. The history of MAPP is below.

MAPP serves as our long-range planning process, developing new programs that reach out in service to our community consistent with our Mission, Vision, and TMP's.


Our Mission 

To help people cultivate a growing, personal relationship with God through Jesus.


Our Vision 

To be empowered and nurtured in a growing community of faith, inviting, attracting and serving families and people of all ages.


Current Top Ministry Priorities (TMP's)

Based on our Mission, Vision, Core Values and given our Mission Field which emphasizes families, couples, and singles:

  • TMP #1: We must Intentionally reach out to the children, youth, families and singles of our community in genuine love, service and witness.
  • TMP #2: We must help people become part of our community of faith where together we; learn, grow as disciples and serve where we are gifted.
  • TMP #3: We must identify, mentor and develop servant leaders as we pursue our mission and vision together.


Our Core Values

The Bible serves as the foundation of our values:

  • Beginning and growing relationship with Jesus Christ

  • Inspiring worship of God through the Word, sacraments and music.

  • Loving our neighbor through service in missions and outreach (local and global)

  • Radical Hospitality

  • Building healthy relationships and a feeling of belonging and Christian fellowship within the church

  • Biblically based Christian education for all with emphasis on children and youth and young adults

  • Empowering and equipping the congregation to serve in ministry

 History of MAPP

2009 ("MAPP 1")

In 2009 we started the Ministry Assessment and Planning Process (MAPP). Each MAPP Team has been large in number with representation across the church and included the pastors. The team worked for many months. Ken Dawson was our congregational development consultant in 2009 and again in 2012. The team used a congregational survey as one source of data to help in the decision-making. The team developed a Mission, Vision, and Core Values (which make up "our DNA"). From these they developed five (5) Top Ministry Priorities (TMP's).

2012 ("MAPP 2")

In 2012 we did the MAPP Renewal.  Again a large, diverse team worked together to look at progress toward or TMP's. They did reading and research (among other things) on the Millennial generation. The congregational survey was again administered. They evaluated progress made, and not made, on the original 5 TMP's.  The mission and vision statements and the core values were slightly changed. Three new Top Ministry Priorities were written (which are the current top ministry priorities above). 

2013 and Ongoing

Two New Teams

As a result of the second MAPP process we developed two new committees at Wesley. Wesley created a Communications Team to promote effective communication within Wesley Church and with our community. The committee formed in 2014. Wesley also created a Learn, Grow, Serve Team which operated for a number of years to help to implement TMP #2.  The committee was then disbanded and the efforts were folded into the duties of other committees.








Address: 1212 W. Calhoun Street, Macomb, IL 61455-1299     Email: office@macombwesleyumc.com      Phone: (309) 833-2153