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Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wesley Church has had a Prayer Shawl Ministry since spring of 2012. Our group makes and gives out prayer shawls....to people in Macomb and areas around, people in other states and also globally in several countries.
Eight or nine times a year, Wesley's prayer shawl ministry meets the second Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m. in the Lodge Parlor at the church. Please check the church calendar to see when we meet next. Do you knit, do you crochet, do you quilt??? We need all the makers we can get!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry also does other projects, addressing various needs. Examples include face masks at the beginning of the Pandemic and scarves.
Click Here for more information. Contact person for this ministry is Judy Mowery and Cindy Hare. Please call the church office for further information or to become involved.
The Xtra Years of Zest (XYZ) group provides activities and programs for people who are slightly, or considerably, advanced in age. The times and dates vary, so see the Sunday bulletin or newsletter for details.
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