United Women in Faith
United Methodist Women (UMW) has become United Women in Faith.
We're a sisterhood acting in faith to tackle the hard work of the world without hesitation.
Press release from March 7, 2022.
United Women in Faith Website
Wesley United Methodist Women on Facebook
Note: It will take us a while to change and get used to using the new name: United Women in Faith.
The United Women in Faith is the official women’s organization of The United Methodist Church (replacing United Methodist Women). We remain the organization training women for leadership, growing spiritually, transforming through education, and providing opportunities for service and advocacy. We remain women in mission who follow God’s call for our time.
Contact Co - President(s): Marian Swisher This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Marilyn Eck This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MISSION U - July 21-23, 2024 at Northfield Inn, Springfield. Theme: Living the Kin-dom. This is a UWF sponsored program highlighting missional activity. As this event gets closer, ask the UMF President or in the church office for more information.
Special Events 2024
March 1......World Day of Prayer, 2pm, Atrium
April 13.......District Meeting at Macomb WUMC, 10am
Sept 13-14..Rummage Sale
8am - 5pm Sept 13th and 8am-noon Sept 14th, Atruim
Dec 14........UWF Christmas Brunch, 10am, Atrium (bring a dish to share)
Wesley's Women has received recognition as Spoon River District Five Star Unit, Mission Today LOVE Unit, and Cunningham Children's Home Spirited Servant Award. 2018 UMW
Wesley’s UWF offers Fellowship groups. One group meets monthly; one group (General Fellowship) has no meetings.
Faith & Love Fellowship meets at 10:00 a.m. the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Wesley Village Chapel (2nd floor). Anyone is welcome to attend. (No meetings in June, July, or August) Chair is Marian Swisher (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
General Fellowship is for women who want to be members but cannot attend regular meetings. General members, and all members, are asked at times to assist in various ways such as delivering food to local food banks, baking a dessert or helping prep or serve a meal if they are available.
Bible Study - Contacts: Janet Hopper, Julie Meredity and Marilyn Olsen. Studies are typically held in Spring and Fall. More information here.
UWF Reading Program
The reading program encourages readers to think critically about current issues through an annual selection of member-reviewed books. It is an excellent opportunity to deepen your spirituality and to broaden your understanding of the UWF mission work. The 3rd Sunday of each month the books are on display in the Atrium and available for checkout.
The 2020 UMW Reading Program: https://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/readingprogram
UWF offers an extensive library of books that have been collected through the national UWF reading and resources programs, as well as the mission magazines Response and New World Outlook.
Readers can sign out a variety of UWF books for free from Wesley’s Library that includes selections from past reading clubs, many other Christian novels, as well as choices of youth and children’s books. Contact for the UWF Reading Program is Gail Lester (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
UMW Book Club
Approximately every two months between September and June (September, November, February, April, and June), Book Club participants read simultaneously a selected book in one of the following categories: education for mission, leadership development, nurturing for community, social action and spiritual growth. A review and discussion session is held upon completion of the book. One book from each category is read throughout the year. Contact for the UWF Book Club is Marian Swisher (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Christmas Brunch
Each year the United Women in Faith have a Christmas Brunch. This is open to all women. It is usually on a Saturday in December and there is a program and/or entertainment. Consult the announcements or the newsletter or the Sunday bulletin for more information.
Box Tops for Education
The Executive Committee of the Wesley United Methodist Women is collecting the BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION that you find on some products you routinely purchase. These Box Tops will be sent to Cunningham Childrens' Home in Urbana, Illinois. Cunningham uses these to purchase much needed supplies for their programs.
(as of Dec. 2019) The system for collecting Box Tops will be changing in the near future to digital only; in the meantime, we are collecting both versions of the Box Tops. When you cut out the digital version, include the bar code that is beside the logo. Please place them in the round container that is located on the table at the entrance to the Atrium.
Thank you very much for your support of a very worthy cause.
Service Opportunities
United Methodist Women participate in numerous service opportunities throughout the year. The listing below highlights major service programming.
Meal Service – UWF prepares and serves breakfasts, lunches, dinners or receptions for our church family and community groups.
Funeral Meals – UWF prepares coffee receptions to meals for family funeral services.
Rummage Sale – The UWF usually have an annual Rummage Sale. The dates and format have been changing in recent years. See the calendar, announcements, and newsletter for more current information. The annual Rummage Sale provides a service to Macomb and area citizens to find good used clothes, electronics, books, holiday items and jewelry at a very low cost. Everything is half-price on Saturday until the final hour when a bag of items goes for $1; a bag of finer items sells for $5. A coffee shop serving lunch is also provided. Leftover items are donated to various local nonprofit organizations.
Wesley Women Reaching Out (WWRO) – A year-round effort collecting nonperishable food items, non-food items, and clothing which is delivered to Loaves & Fishes, Salvation Army, and WIRC.
Wesley Foundation – UWF provides dessert for the University student group Sunday evening services.
New Mothers’ Program – UWF participates in this ongoing program for new mothers in the congregation.